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More than ever, people are reaching out to get my help when looking to buy or sell, not only in Manhattan but across the country and around the world.

Just this week, I got a call from a long-time client looking to buy a condo for their daughter in London and a dear friend whose mom needs to sell her home in Florida. I connected my friend with the perfect broker to help her maximize the selling price, and my client is now working with a seasoned agent to ensure she makes a smart purchase. I serve as a consultant, working hand in hand with the other agents to make sure everything goes smoothly.

For most people, real estate is their biggest asset, yet the majority of people don’t do their homework when choosing a broker. Not knowing what to look for and/or the questions to ask can cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sellers may do a bit more research when looking to list a property, but buyers don’t seem to take it as seriously. I just had a situation where a buyer did not have strong and informed representation and they are looking at a million-dollar loss. That simply should never happen.

So, PLEASE, if anyone you know is looking to sell or buy anywhere… Call me! After 40 years of selling, I am happy to help.

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